Invasive Tick Detected in 6 additional Tennessee counties

Invasive Tick Detected in 6 additional Tennessee counties - The Tennessee Department of Agriculture, United States Department of Agriculture – Animal and Plant Health Inspection Services, Tennessee Department of Health, and University of Tennessee Institute of Agriculture today announced the detection of the invasive Asian longhorned tick in an additional six Tennessee counties: Knox, Jefferson, Claiborne, Cocke, Putnam, and Sevier. The tick was detected in Union and Roane Counties in May.

Where Art Meets Science – A talk about the mural Silent Skies

Where Art Meets Science – A talk about the mural Silent Skies - Come join us for an evening event where art meets science at the Silent Skies mural in downtown Kingsport. World-renowned ornithologist Dr. Fred Alsop will join one of the mural’s artists, Suzanne Justis, to explain the significance of the mural, the birds from our region that are a part of it, and the productive collaboration of species conservation and visual art.

Knox County Public Library’s Movies on Market Square Starts Sept. 13, 2019

Knox County Public Library's Movies on Market Square Starts Sept. 13, 2019- Knox County Public Library and Knoxville TVA Employee Credit Union are pleased to announce the 2019 line-up for Movies on Market Square.